miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


1. How would you define video games?
As 3D games, which only serve to entertain, because the majority does not post any posititve to the community, based on graphic design.

2. How have video games changed throughout history?
Well they start with only simple draws without complexity, but now your movements the character can do it also, this is amazing.

3. What negative effects can we observe when people play video games?
They are very violent and they just think in kill, like little children who want to imitate everything they see.

4. In your opinion, what causes people play video games?
Well. in some cases they start to have some adiction with this.

5. Why do some people say that playing video games is addictive?
Becasuse they only think about the videogame, and they want to play all day.

6. What is your experience with video games?
Well, I like it but really I don't have any problem with that, besause I play it when I am bored.

7. Would the world be better with or without video games?
I think is the same, because no all the problems in the world are releted with this, there are more factors.

8. What did the speakers say about video games?
As something good and amazing, in which yopu can do what ever you want to do; and some imaginary place.They really like what they do.

9. In you opinion, is it good or bad to play video games?
I think that it wouldn't affect if you have a control of it, but there are good to relax or to forget about school and all that horrible problems.

10. How are children affected?
I have a little brother, and a lot of cousins, they play a lot videogames and they want to do what they see, in thiscase the videogames that they play have a lot violence, I don't think that they could play this because they start to be like this or to do what they see in the video game.

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