miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Questionnarire: Teenage Talk

What do you usally do on weekends?
I visit my uncle's house, and I usually go to parties or to museums.

How often do you go to the movies?
Twice a month.

What are you reading right now?
An interesting book, ''El Viejo y el Mar'' by Ernest Hemingway

What are your favorite subjects at school?
I think physically, theater and computer science.

What do you and you friends talk about?
Of everythin, interesting things.

Do you have a boyfriend?

What are you wearing today?
Sports uniform.

What are you looking forward to?
The MUN and I want to happen to forget all those things, but I also can´t wait for vacations and the next days of rest.

What do you care about?
I care about my grades, for me is a very important thing.

What do you worry about?
I think for the welfare of all, because I do not like this bad situation in the country it´s affecting all entities and more to Mexico City, and I worry that there is so much violence and insecurity and nobody does anything.

What's your ambition?
I still do not know, but I am willing to sweat to get what I want.

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